Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blonde Redhead's album *23*

So this is definitely off of the track of discussing recently released music, but Jeph Jacques released his list of albums worth listening to from 2010 and I got sidetracked into looking up music which led me to the wikipedia page on noise pop. (if you're wondering, Jeph is the author of the formerly music-centric [at this point it's just a soap opera] webcomic titled "Questionable Content")

This made me remember that I hadn't listened to one of the few bands that I have that fits that category -- Blonde Redhead. It's worth noting that this album has a more ambient sound than much of the music on Jacques' list of recommendations [in particular, wikipedia places the album in the genre of "dream pop"], but it has a certain appeal: most likely I would listen to it as a more cathartic album ("Silently" has a happy-kitsch feel, and some of the others include slight tension), but there are other appealing aspects that could be discussed, also.

I could say a little more, but I'll recommend my favorite songs and let you make up your mind.
My favorite song is definitely "Silently." Two others that you must give a listen: "23" and "Dr. Strangeluv."
(I really wish I could say more about the relationship between Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove and the song, but if you know more, please comment!)